At an event a few weeks back, the organiser invited each of us to share a ‘life hack’ prior to speaking. A piece of wisdom we value to share with everyone else attending. My contribution to that event was on the power of purpose and personal leadership. Living and leading with purpose requires tenacity and inner strength because, by definition, to lead you will have to step outside the norm. To have the willingness to stand alone and take a leadership position on things you care about. To do this well, I believe we all need to be clear on our place in the world. Why we are here. What we have to give. 
For my ‘life hack’, I shared with everyone a question I came across while conducting my research into spirituality; ‘what is your relationship with the universe?’ I love the simplicity of this question. It doesn’t ask you about a higher power or religion. It doesn’t even ask you what spirituality is in your life. What it challenges you to be clear on is what you believe to be true about your life and your personal relationship with the broader universe. How you conceptualise the golden threads of connection that link you with the world around you. A lot of problems in today’s world are rooted in disconnection. Would we allow inequality, a climate crisis, systemic racism if we understood and felt more fundamentally our relationship with each other, the planet, the cosmos? 
This is why spirituality is considered important to the majority of the world’s population. What you believe about life itself consciously or unconsciously drives ever decision you make. Even the atheists among us must believe something about life. For me, it doesn’t matter what you believe. It matters that you are clear on what you believe. That you understand there is a purpose to your life, that you have a unique place here, that you deeply belong. I believe to truly live and lead with purpose and authenticity, each person should invest some time to reflect on their unique answer to this question. It provides an anchor in life. A compass to help us make decisions with integrity. A sense of connection to life. 
Cultivating and understanding my connection with the universe has deeply helped my sense of belonging. I understand my place more clearly. It keeps me aligned with my sense of purpose in my life and fuels my desire to live with integrity. It becomes much harder to live outside of integrity with yourself when you feel deeply connected to both yourself and the world around you. For me, this was an important step towards showing up in a better way in the world, to truly becoming a leader
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