This is my final post of 2021. I had a few more planned but I have decided to get off social media and technology for the next few weeks. I feel a bit weary this week. I know I am not alone. I am hearing conversations everywhere of how emotionally fatigued people are feeling after two years of upheaval and uncertainty. So, I am going to take my own advice and listen to what my mind, body and soul are asking for and prioritise rest and restoration. Reducing technology use is part of that! 
Before I disappear offline, I wanted to say thank you to everyone. The feedback I have received this year has been so supportive as I evolve as both a person and a business. I speak and write about diverse topics such as leadership, purpose, authenticity, and spirituality. What they share is the exploration of who we are & how we want to show up in the world, individually and collectively. I am passionate about the need to inspire personal leadership and contribution. As part of this, I must be willing to show leadership myself. To not be afraid to challenge established thinking or ways of being. To have the courage to stand out. That said, it can be a lonely space. Often, I am sitting in my office alone researching and preparing for a speaking engagement or silently doubting my ideas as I am writing an essay or blog. Not forgetting that with everything I write, I ride the creative arc of 1) This has potential 2) OMG this is sh!t 3) hmmm…actually it might work. 
With the absence of real stages for the last two years, most of my work has been virtual. I miss the automatic feedback I get from an audience when I am on stage. That sense of connection. But you have all filled that vacuum for me. Whether you have invited me to speak, liked or commented on a post or, as many of you have done, reached out to me privately to say something I wrote resonated with you, it has made a huge difference for me. It reminds me that I am not alone in my desire for a better world. There is great thirst among us all for self-exploration, fresh ideas and new ways of being. Your words of encouragement motivate me to keep stretching myself to share my ideas. I hope to do more of this in 2022. Even better if I get to do it in rooms with real people! 
Until then, wishing everyone the chance to enjoy some downtime and hopefully a happier and less stressful new year for us all. I look forward to re-connecting with you in 2022. 
*As a little thank you for those interested in some self-exploration over the holiday period, I have made the next 10 places in my online courses available at a 50% discount. Just enter the code ‘EXPLORE’ at checkout. All the courses are self-paced and you have lifetime access to content so you can return to it as often as you like. You can see more details here: or via the link on my homepage 
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